How does Dry Needling differ from Acupuncture?
Dry Needling is a technique used to treat myofascial trigger points by inserting a fine needle into the muscle, mechanically disrupting muscular tissue, without injection of anesthesia.
The physiological mechanism considers that Dry Needling can restore homeostasis in the myofascial triggerpoints, increasing local circulation, decreasing local inflammation, and reducing sensitization to pain.
Key differences from acupuncture;
✨ The needle is often stimulated or Pistoned once inserted to trigger a twitch response, encouraging the muscle to soften.
✨ Whilst Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dry Needling is a more recent development in Western Medicine/science.
✨ Whilst both treatments use similar needles, with Dry Needling these needles are inserted and withdrawn from the muscles relatively quickly. Where as with Acupuncture, they remain inserted for upwards of 15 minuites.
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