Initial Assessment
If you have not seen us before or you have a new complaint, we advise that you book an initial assessment. This gives us time to work through a detailed movement screening and develop a step by step plan.
45 mins | £65
6 session plan £280
Follow Up
Need some maintenance? Or ready to level up? Book a follow up for your next treatment progressions.
30 mins | £55
Sports Massage
Are you struggling with muscular soreness? A sports massage wont fix an injury but it can help to reduce the sensation of tension so you’re feeling ligther on your feet.
30 mins | £55
Our Booking Policy
We recommend that you complete an Initial Consultation before booking a Follow Up.
We require at least 24 hours notice for any cancellations/reschedulings, in which case you will not be charged for your appointment. Consultations cancelled within 24 hours will be charged.
How many sessions will I need?
It is difficult to estimate how many sessions we advise until you’ve been assessed. During your initial consultaion we will talk you through an expected recovery timeline and the milestones inbetween.
How frequently shall I book?
Optimal frequency of treatment varies depending on a number of factors. Once we’ve touched base in your initial consultation we will recommend a treatment schedule to suit your needs and availability.
Will my insurance cover my treatment costs?
Please get in touch if you would like to book using your insurance